District 2-X1 2nd Cabinet Meeting

Lions Clubs International

District 2-X1:  2nd Cabinet Meeting
Lion Ken Gleason, DG 2014-2015
Saturday, October 25, 2014
First United Methodist Church
414 W Broad Street, Forney, TX 75126

Registration begins at 8:00 AM with the Cabinet Meeting beginning promptly at 9:00 A.M.  We expect the meeting to be over by 12 PM.  The agenda for the cabinet meeting is shown below.  Copies will be available at the meeting, but you are encouraged to print your own and bring them with you.
All Cabinet Members are urged to attend the meeting.  Cabinet Officers and Chairs are requested to provide a written report to the Cabinet Secretary prior to the meeting at bket7@verizon.net. Verbal reports will be limited to two (2) minutes and contain information not in the written reports.
All Lions are welcome to attend the meeting. Lions Leaders and officers are encouraged to attend.  Please feel free to contact Cabinet Secretary Billy Ketner or District Governor Ken Gleason with any questions or concerns.