The Waxahachie Lions Club had the opportunity to hear from Valerie Holman in our meeting yesterday about her unique opportunity to use media as a missions tool. Valerie is planning on moving to Spain by June 2023 with the mission organization, Avant Ministries. Avant has partnered with a media center in Spain and together, they focus on utilizing social media platforms to go where missionaries can’t physically go. This includes limited-access North African countries and surrounding areas. Her role in the business office is to make sure everything is running smoothly behind the scenes: scheduling, project assistance, community outreach, local fellowship and recruiting, language learning, and she can even learn a little about how media works! It is a 2-year commitment and she has been fundraising since September 2022. She is currently at 55% in monthly partnerships.
Valerie’s acct # is 12387
Avant Ministries:
Blog link: