Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
Waxahachie Lions Club

"We Serve"

We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
Daymark Living - Meeting Room
Daymark Living
818 Cantrell St
Waxahachie, TX 75167
United States of America
February 2025

Site Pages

Home Page Stories
The Waxahachie Lions Club met on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at Daymark Living for lunch and enjoyed guest speaker, Waxahachie's Poet Lariat David Smith.  Cowboy poetry was recited, and the club learned of the launch of David's new book in August and Waxahachie's Chautauqua Cowboy Poet Gathering in September. Thank you Pat & David Smith and Daymark Living!
From Lion Curtis Green
Good evening my friends.  As you know I’m working with the Sleep in Heavenly Peace - TX, Fort Worth chapter to build and deliver beds to kids in the DFW area.  We have several deliveries scheduled over the next couple of months and could use some more bedding.  You all have been so generous in the past that we don’t need any pillows for a while.  Here is a link to an Amazon Wish List that you can use to ship them directly to my home.  As I understand it you will need to be logged in to see the shipping information.
We had a good Annual Meeting\Dinner at the Sims Library.  It was fun to hear our incoming President Paschall play the piano in the Lyceum.  It is a great way to kick off our preparation for our 100th year as the Waxahachie Lions Club.  Thanks for all you do.  WE SERVE.
We had a good Waxahachie Lion's Club meeting today.  We learned a lot about Russia from our speaker, Vitaly Luney, who is a member of the Oak Cliff Lions Club.

Don't forget to sign up by Friday for our Annual Waxahachie Lion Club Banquet and induction of our 23-24 Officers.  You can sign up by emailing Kathy at by this Friday morning.

The Waxahachie Lions Club had a very nice lunch and tour of Daymark Living today.  What an amazing facility and an amazing staff.  Chante’ Thanks for all you and everyone at Daymark Living do for the residents and our community.  WE SERVE but today WE were IMPRESSED!

We had a fun meeting today.  We heard from Stuart Stephenson from Woodmen Life about the Laying of the Memorial Wreath at 9 am Memorial Day (May29th) at the Waxahachie Civic Center Veterans War Memorial.  Thanks, Stuart, for doing this.
 Our speaker today was Sharon Verigan who is the Founder & Executive Director of Believing Restoration is Attainable.  Sharon has a proven ministry which we are very grateful to have in our community.
Remember next week we will be meeting at Daymark Living 818 Cantrell Waxahachie for our Tuesday Noon meeting\lunch.
The Waxahachie Lions Club had a fun meeting today.  We appreciate Greg Ellis, former Dallas Cowboy, and current SAGU Head Football Coach, for speaking to us.  Greg thanks for your time and for being the example you are to so many.  You are awesome!
Taco Casa's Jim Seymour making Taco Bucks and Bag donation to Waxahachie Lions Club for Hachie 50 and receiving their Hachie 50 sponsor shirts with great appreciation for their support!!
My name is Erin Lloyd. I worked for John Landrum what seems like ages ago, where I learned about the Lion's Club & what a huge impact they make on volunteerism & the community. I now work at the SPCA of Texas, which has locations in both Dallas & Waxahachie. We are a 501c3 non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping both animals & people in the community. We plan to have our first annual fun run/walk fundraiser at the Getzendaner Park on Saturday, May 13th from 8am to 12pm & are looking for volunteers. I wanted to reach out to see if any of your members would be interested in volunteering at our event from 7:30 to 10:30am? Volunteers need to be at least 10 years old. Volunteers 10 to 14 years old need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian who is at least 21 years old. Anyone 15 years & older can volunteer alone.
The Waxahachie Lions Club had the opportunity to hear from Valerie Holman in our meeting yesterday about her unique opportunity to use media as a missions tool.  Valerie is planning on moving to Spain by June 2023 with the mission organization, Avant Ministries. Avant has partnered with a media center in Spain and together, they focus on utilizing social media platforms to go where missionaries can’t physically go. This includes limited-access North African countries and surrounding areas. Her role in the business office is to make sure everything is running smoothly behind the scenes: scheduling, project assistance, community outreach, local fellowship and recruiting, language learning, and she can even learn a little about how media works! It is a 2-year commitment and she has been fundraising since September 2022. She is currently at 55% in monthly partnerships.
Valerie’s acct # is 12387
Avant Ministries:  
The Hachie50 was great!  We are amazed how the Hachie50 Committee, Waxahachie Running Club, Waxahachie Lions Club and all those individuals and various groups helped pulled off another great run for all those who attended.  The Runners that participate in the hachie50 are top notch and a lot of fun to be around.  Each of you are a part of helping many in our community over the months to come.  We are Thankful for each of you. 
We would like to Thank Lucy Gore for the photo we used of the Kids Run.  Those kids are not just future runners but our future leaders.  
Here are a couple of photos from this weekend and more will be provided by the hachie50 and Waxahachie Running Club in days to come.  Also watch for photos on each of their Facebook pages.
We had the privilege of hearing from Waxahachie ISD Superintendent Dr Hollingsworth at our Waxahachie Lions Club lunch meeting today.  The Superintendent presented the bond package information to us and the Waxahachie Lions Club presented WISD Education Foundation a check as well as a check to help the Distention Imagination team from Simpson Elementary travel to World Competition for DI.  What an amazing accomplishment!  Thanks WISD for all you do for our community.
We enjoyed hearing from a fellow Lion from the Coppell Lions Club, Andrew Noel. Andrew spoke to us about Canine Companions. This is a great organization that the Waxahachie Lions Club loves to support. Thanks Lion Andrew for all you do.
We also appreciate our Waxahachie Lions Club Scholarship Committee, Tommie Worthy and Matt Authier, as they look over many applications that have been submitted to us.
It was so good to have Jennifer Salzman with The Heights come and speak to the Waxahachie Lions Club today.  We are thankful for all they are doing in Ellis County guiding victims of family abuse to safety and hope by connecting them to the services of many different agencies all together in one place.
Today we had Joe Kyle with the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville speak to us.  Its amazing to see all the programs that are meeting needs with Kids and Families at the Texas Lions Camp.  Thanks Joe for all you, the staff and volunteers do for so many.  WE SERVE
Our guest speaker yesterday was Trudy Hankins with the Nehemiah Project.  Our Lions Club was impressed by how the Nehemiah Project educates our youth to succeed and grow their dreams.  Thanks for what you do Trudy and how you help shape the future of our youth in a positive manner.